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Athlete and Parent Behavior Agreement


Attitude is everything! If an athlete has a foul attitude we will place him/her to a non-competitive program, such as a class, until improvements are made. Until then, a replacement will be put in position.

All cell phones must be turned off/put away once practice starts. All clothing and belongings must be stored in the cubbies, not thrown on the floor. Do not bring items of value to the gym (iPod, jewelry, iPhones, etc). XCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

No one beside staff and athletes are allowed on the floor. NO ONE is allowed to yell onto to the floor from the viewing area. Please trust the coaches to coach your children. Our practice are closed to non-athletes. (exceptions will be made for Special needs teams, etc.) We will have scheduled parent watch nights.

Anyone threatening to quit a team will be asked to leave immediately. No refund will be given.

Do not gossip about other teams, kids, parents or other gyms. If you have questions or concerns please ask the staff. Do not engage in irresponsible conduct.

It is the parent’s responsibility to stay informed. Check your emails and group messages regularly. If you aren’t receiving emails please contact Brianna ASAP.

Withholding your child from practice cannot be used as a form of discipline. It is not fair to the rest of the team.

Do not post negative comments about any of our teams or athletes, or any other gyms on social media. Do not talk negatively about any of our teams or athletes or any other gyms on our private message groups. Once again, if you have questions or concerns please ask the staff.

Always be an example of good sportsmanship, positive conduct and professionalism at all competitions and events.

No profanity or rude language.

Punctuality is a MUST. Arrive early enough to be completely dressed and ready to begin practice at your scheduled time. Practice schedules can change. It is always possible that we will add practices the week before a competition.

No food or drinks (Other than water) are allowed on the main gym floor. All snacks must be kept upstairs in the viewing area.

All jewelry must be removed before practices or competitions. This is a safety issue.

Feel free to talk to your coach about anything. We want you to feel comfortable coming to us with any questions or concerns. However, there is an appropriate time. If you need more than a minute to communicate your concern please schedule an appointment.

Our group message chats are for communicating important information. Please do not have private discussions on our group chats. If you need to speak with another parent open a separate chat with that parent. Please do not abuse the group chat. No posting after 10pm or before 7am.

If any athlete is disrespectful to any coach (their own team coach or any team coach) they can and will be removed from the team.

Any athlete that walks off the floor during practice is forfeiting their spot on the team.

Disrespect to coaches or other athletes WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.


By submitting this form you agree to ALL the items listed above.

Thanks for submitting!

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